EPCS August 1995 Newsletter
Peace and Liberation VJ DAY 1945-1995 • John Jaques & Son 1795-1995 Bicentenary • WWII • Royals • Guinness • Bank of England • Snap • W.H. Willis • Battleships • Musical • Battle of Waterloo • R.J. Mitchell • Hignett Bros Cigarettes • John Dewar • Shakespearean
The English Playing Card Society's Newsletter

The Society publishes a 30+ page A4 Magazine (including colour plates) which is free to members. This is dispatched three times a year and builds up into a reference source, with an index, containing information which is not readily available through any other source. Members are invited to contribute articles to the Newsletter. Click here to read a sample newsletter.
Benefits of Membership
- We are a Society dedicated to the study and collection of "English Playing Cards", open to all, not just English people.
- English Games are given equal footing alongside English Playing Cards.
- A yearly Meeting.
- Regular 'singles' sales.
- The fellowship of members.
- A regular Members Newsletter/Magazine; click here to read a sample newsletter.
- Access to all back issues. We are a good medium to publish research.

By The English Playing Card Society
Member since July 10, 1984
The English Playing-Card Society was formed in January 1984. Its purpose is to bring together collectors, researchers and interested persons who wish to share information concerning designers and manufacturers of English playing-cards and card games 1660-1960.