EPCS June 2024 Newsletter
Lenthall’s Delightful Cards • Fine China Loving Cup • 64th Pioneer Regt. A Relic of the Raj • Driving the Old Woman to Bed • Speed - the Ships • Speed 8 - Another One Found! • Czech Happy Families • French Costume Cards by de Larmessin • A Goodall Ace of Spades and A Sad Story • Scoop • (Don’t) All Shout at Once: The Fleet Street Games and Others • Parker Brothers - A Note • A Simple Piquet Pack • Astronaut • A Royal Flush • Aesop’s Fables

By The English Playing Card Society
Member since July 10, 1984
The English Playing-Card Society was formed in January 1984. Its purpose is to bring together collectors, researchers and interested persons who wish to share information concerning designers and manufacturers of English playing-cards and card games 1660-1960.
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