Published May 10, 1999 Updated May 10, 1999

EPCS May 1999 Newsletter

Queen of Hearts: Alice in Wonderland • Bath Abbey: Quincentenary • G.H. Elliott: Anne Bradford • Tennis Snap: Dudley Ollis • Isle of Man Packs • Cricket Snap: The Times • Cambridge Evening News: Pneumatic Cards • Oliver Cromwell Anniversary • New Issues: Eight Packs • English Standard Card Manufacturers • Piquet Pack • Happy Families Book • Dickens Quartette Game • Card Collector: John Cooper • Tax Wrapper: Mudie & Sons • Special Master Aces • Worshipful Company Packs • Nursery Rhyme Snap • Fairy Snap: Globe • Third Music Sheet: Four Aces Postcard • RNLI: 175 Years • Billy Mayerl School • Guinness Bicentenary • Story Behind the Card • Ephemera

Isle of Man United Kingdom WCMPC Pneumatic Alice in Wonderland Childhood Music Tax Happy Families Piquet Snap

The English Playing Card Society's Newsletter

The Society publishes a 30+ page A4 Magazine (including colour plates) which is free to members. This is dispatched three times a year and builds up into a reference source, with an index, containing information which is not readily available through any other source. Members are invited to contribute articles to the Newsletter. Click here to read a sample newsletter.

Benefits of Membership
  • We are a Society dedicated to the study and collection of "English Playing Cards", open to all, not just English people.
  • English Games are given equal footing alongside English Playing Cards.
  • A yearly Meeting.
  • Regular 'singles' sales.
  • The fellowship of members.
  • A regular Members Newsletter/Magazine; click here to read a sample newsletter.
  • Access to all back issues.
  • We are a good medium to publish research.
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101 Articles

By The English Playing Card Society

Member since July 10, 1984

The English Playing-Card Society was formed in January 1984. Its purpose is to bring together collectors, researchers and interested persons who wish to share information concerning designers and manufacturers of English playing-cards and card games 1660-1960.